Location: Mirazapur District, Uttar Pradesh, India
Profession: Land Literacy Trainer

Meet Anju. Anju is a land literacy trainer.

Anju works with the international NGO Landesa to educate women about their rights to own and inherit land.

Anju’s lessons are a revolutionary idea in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh where patriarchy runs deep.

“If a woman understands the rights of her family, her own rights over land, she fights harder to get those opportunities for herself and for the betterment of her family.”

Anju works with Landesa to co-facilitate land literacy trainings to help educate women about their land rights. The program has reached more than 50,000 women.

Equipped with greater awareness of their rights, these women begin to advocate for themselves and challenge perceptions about a woman’s place in society.

“If she is successful in her endeavors, the same society that used to perceive her as a weak person looks at her differently and with respect as she has property in her name.”

The land literacy training program has already made a difference for thousands of women, including Anju.

“The knowledge I have picked on the way has given me confidence. Now I have a dream to own a plot myself and in my own name.”

Learn more about Anju’s work and dream to own land in this video.